Lean Marketing for the Holidays

We hope everyone is having a wonderful 2012. In this video, we discuss how we use lean marketing techniques during the holidays. We use digital media instead of direct mail. It’s affordable and environmentally friendly.

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Video: Merry Christmas 2011

With temperatures in the upper 70s, it’s not really looking a lot like Christmas in Florida. But who needs snow? We had a fun time filming this video with our children at Jacksonville Beach. Hope you enjoy it!

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3 Tips for Using QR Codes in Marketing

QR codes are popping up everywhere. If you’ve seen one of these black-and-white squares and wondered what it is, it is a QR code. In this vlog, we offer three tips for using QR codes in marketing.

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Why do we buy services?

If you’re an American service worker in 2011, then you need not only more time, skills, knowledge, tools, manpower, and desire than your competition, but also more of all these things than your prospective customer.

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Celebrating 11 Years

Motionbuzz.com is eleven years old today! Sonja and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients, partners, vendors, and friends. We look forward to many more years of success.

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