Category: Video

Video: Are you ready for the holidays?

Back To School and Labor Day are over, and now it’s time to focus our marketing efforts on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and 2012.

Control vs. Responsibility: How to choose the best software for your business

Whether you’re the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or the sole-proprietor of a local boutique, you need to be aware of the different types of web-based business software before you’re able to intelligently pick the best option for your organization. I consult a wide… Continue reading

Video: Merry Christmas 2010

We hired two of the chillest superstars in town, Santa and Frosty, to perform at our company Christmas party.

Video: Happy Thanksgiving 2010

We’re a little silly in this video, but we’re SERIOUSLY thankful for our clients, colleagues, and friends.This year, 63% of our new business came from personal referrals. That’s amazing! Thank you for your trust and support.

Video: Motionbuzz Summer 2010 Review

We know it ended three weeks ago, but we’re still talking about summer. We stayed busy and had a wonderful time working on web design projects for LGS Sales, University of Florida Pathology Laboratories, and several other clients.